BARDO is an intentional micronation.

The term micronation, which literally means small nation, is a neologism. It is an entity that claims to be an independent nation or state while not officially recognized by governments and big international organizations.

BARDO was born on February 20, 2020 as intentional micronation with the precise objective of uniting artists, free thinkers, holistic healers. But we have been active from 2013 as cultural association with a lot of events and projects.

The creative freedom of thought and action is the passport to join BARDO.

Together with respect for nature and for the planet that hosts us, the only true Kingdom to which we refer.

The coat of arms of the micronation is deliberately a call to noble heraldry in fact, but this does not mean that the duchy is monarchic: the citizens of BARDO are libertarians and the titles acquired are exquisitely Dadaists.

Life in the Duchy passes out of the time of modern civilizations, but it reclines to the rhythms of nature as in a contemporary monastery where daily practice and a primeval spirituality come together to create moments of pure wonder, art and beauty. Whatever you are doing like keeping a healthy wood or doing an ambient electronic music concert. This is the Bardo, a place where utopia has come true.


 August 28th - 2nd September, 2024


Hemera: a FIVE DAY journey (from August 28th to September 2nd) that explores the INTERCONNECTIONS between all life forms.
The Duchy of BARDO intentional micronation pulls down the drawbridge to open up to @teatroselvatico festival.



 August 16, 2024


What does a Psychedelic music festival have to do with Micronations?
This summer, the Duke of Bardo will be a guest speaker

at the 8th edition of the WAO Festival in Umbria (ITA):

"Sovranità in miniatura: il (quinto) mondo delle micronazioni

Sovereignty in miniature: the (fifth) world of micronations"

Isn't the idea of creating your own nation, no matter how small, a form of expanded consciousness, a typical effect of psychedelic culture?
See you in San Venanzo (TR), from August 14 to 18, 2024 at Wao festival!




August 3, 2024

Bardo meets Grand Duchy of the Burgundians

Mutual Recognition Treaty 

. . .

The Principality is a micronation founded

on February 13, 2024.
The Grand Duchy is committed to the preservation of the historical memory of Burgundy.



 July 26, 2024


We couldn't have found a better occasion to announce the appointment of our friend, well-known writer and explorer Marco Zagni as Ambassador to the Amazon: his expedition to an unexplored area of the Peruvian Amazon is starting today. "La via dei fiumi", the exploratory itinerary in question, was presented in April in Rome.

We hope to arrive where we set out to and see the Bardo colors flying on the official flag that our ambassador brought with him: on the trail of the lost Kingdom of Paititi, it could be the last refuge of the Incas, who escaped the Spanish, or a much older pre-Inca center!


 July 7, 2024

The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to host the Wellness Day:

 a lot of  holistic practitioners in the field and many possibilities

to bring relaxation into your life.


 September 18, 2023


The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to officially announce

the opening of diplomatic relations with the

Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary.


 October 11, 2023


The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to officially announce

the opening of diplomatic relations with the

Sovereign Military Order Of Temple Of Throne Blessed Virgin Of Galicia, The Emperors Of East And West.


On Wednesday 11 October H.G. the Duke Piercarlo of Bardo signed the Treaty of diplomatic relations and mutual recognition with the Council of Grand Priors and Prelates of the Sovereign Military Order.



 September 17, 2023


The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to officially announce

the opening of diplomatic relations with the

Principality of  Shedingeh.


On Sunday 17 September H.G. the Duke Piercarlo of Bardo received the delegation from the Principality of Shedingeh  led by Prince Daniele I personally accompanied by the Princess Angela and their heir to the throne together with official members of government - the Minister of Tourism Baroness Federica and the Minister of Culture

and the Arts Dama Elena.

The leaders mutually signed the Mutual Recognition Treaty and initiated diplomatic relations between the two micronations, close ideally and geographically.



 August 5, 2023


Special event at the Duchy: the connection with

the sidereal spaces continues, recently inaugurated with the concert by Maiu and the small Cosmic Orchestra.


This time COSMYTE will arrive with their sound spaceship: Galactic Music / Live instruments & Psychedelic Electronica.  On expeditions to Europe, Russia, India, China and Latin America, meeting other traveling artists who embark on stage creates a unique experience with each appearance.







September 8-9-10, 2023


Official Festival by Teatro Selvatico at the Duchy



 July 23, 2023


The Free Time Knight and 'Principe del Campo' Massimo Beltrando aka Maiu brings his live album with the Piccola Orchestra Cosmica to the Duchy of Bardo this year for an unmissable event. Don't miss it!




 July, 2023

We are honored to present the new Minister
of Extra-Terrestrial Affairs and Interplanetary Cooperation: Marco Marsili from Gubbio (Pg) is president

of the association Dal Cielo alla Terra, a writer and renowned speaker in the field of extra-terrestrial issues as well as being a contactee.

After 10 years from the first meeting, in 2019 he wrote the book “I Viandanti delle Stelle. Chronicles from the Infinite Universe".


We cannot aspire to a more suitable Friend for this important task!


 July 9, 2023

The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to host the Wellness Day:

 a lot of  holistic practitioners in the field and many possibilities

to bring relaxation into your life.

Family Constellations - Epigenetics - Bach Flowers - Forest Bathing - Therapeutic Frequencies - Fascial Postural Manipulation - Relaxation Massage - Massophysiotherapy - Meditation - Metamedicine - Osteopathy - Pranotherapy - Reiki - Foot Reflexology - Shamanism - Sacred Feminine - Shiatsu - Vibrational Neurogenic Tremor - Sound Vibrations - Zooanthropology and Animal Welfare


 June 11, 2023

The Duchy of Bardo is pleased to officially announce

the opening of diplomatic relations with the

Principality of Aigues-Mortes: we've signed

the Mutual Recognition Treaty!



 April 4, 2023

It is with great satisfaction that the Duchy of Bardo was admitted to the OMF ( Organisation de la MicroFrancophonie ). We are confident that we will soon have the opportunity to demonstrate our value in the OMF. We welcome members of the organization,old and new. Hearts up!


December 30, 2022

H.G. the Duke Piercarlo v. Bòrmida at Centro Panta Rei for the talk about new forms of communities, thanks to AWARE - Bellezza Resistente for the opportunity and all people was there for this interesting meeting.


December 23, 2022

This year we met a traveller, a very special soul on the road who has reached the whole world from Piedmont: it is no coincidence that his name is Vagamondo, you can find their books online.

He is the founder of Meraki community.

We decided to give him a unique honor

because his story is incredible and his energy inexhaustible.

Thanks to Teatro Selvatico  for bringing him at Bardo.


November 29, 2022

The Duke of Bardo signed a mutual recognition

treaty with the Empire of Imvrassia,

a micronational polity with territorial holdings in

Greece, Spain, Germany and Australia.

Founded in 2011 by Emperor Aggelos I as a principality,

Imvrassia is now formed as a unitary and constitutional monarchy,

and is a founding member of the League of Hellenistic Micronations.

BREAKIN NEWS: the Duke is on Twitter

follow H.G. to be informed about Bardo!


October 2-7, 2022

Compost Toilet Workshop


The workshop organized by Teatro Selvatico

with Centro Panta Rei (PG-Italy) was a success:

Now Bardo has an amazing multiple compost toilet

and two new Free Time Knights! 

September 10, 2022

Ambienti 3.0 - Frequenze da Altrove


The Bardo's microfestival of Ambient music is back:

Alessandro Bonino, Stefano Rossello, Noorglo.

An unmissable live event to really touch the experimentation of contemporary artists who imagine the future and make it present.

August 16, 2022

Aztec dance Tonatiuh


Directly from Mexico to the Bardo Duchy

in collaboration with the Teatro Selvatico

throughout the night of August 16, 2022

Tonatiuh dance group + theatrical show Frida Vive + medicine wheel + purification ritual dances

Danzas preehispànicas del Barrio antiguo de Monterrey nuevo Leòn México




"The killing of 140 pets in a shelter is not considered a serious and irreparable damage by the Lazio TAR - La Sfattoria degli Ultimi".This creates a precedent that in addition to being terrible in this case can become pure madness for the future of all those who care about the welfare of their animals, especially in Sanctuaries.


The Duchy of Bardo supports the sanctuary of La Sfattoria degli Ultimi, aided by any means possible.

. . .

You can dot  it too signing the petition:

Save these animals from slaughter


June 25-26, 2022

Constitution day was powerful,

this year the NaturArte Festival was great!


Thanks for being with us at Bardo to celebrate it.


Our duchy is reaching a lot of acclaim around the world, thanks to everyone for believing in the future every day.

. . .

Info and tickets:



Eirene, dance for the Earth

Our friends of the Ganden monastery have left the duchy: but they will return to India with a tribute that will carry the sign of our friendship beyond the borders of the national states, the flag of Bardo.
The symbol of the sun and the black star will wave again as a reminder of the freedom of peoples, and this time in lands far from our small homeland.

Long live Bardo, long live Tibet!



June 5, 2022


 World Environment Day

MAIU live

HERNE hybrid-set

PLAYMOB 8 hands dj-set


A special day to embrace nature like a wave, feeling safe...


Our Honorary Citizen

Johnson Righeira

May 11, 2022 at Eurovision!


Eurovision Village - Turin (Italy)

Duchy of BARDO (2020) VS Duchy of URBINO (1443-1631)

Friday 6 May Rampa di Francesco di Giorgio Martini at 5.45 pm
Something epochal will happen in URBINO - CITTA' 'IDEALE on Friday 6 May 2022, in fact we will ask WIKIPEDIA with sympathy to change the definition of micronation.
-to cancel: "A peculiar feature, in fact, is the lack of diplomatic relations with the national states and with the major international organizations"

Honorary Citizenship to LORD DUNSANY, Ireland

BARDO is proud to announce a new exceptional citizen: Lord Dunsany has enthusiastically accepted the honorary citizenship of the Duchy, and this is only the beginning.

Randal Plunkett (film director/writer and metal-fan) has transformed 700 acres of his park 40 kilometers from Dublin into an area of rehabilitation and recovery of wild animals: forests, meadows, streams and wild streams finally welcome free animals. Yes, because Lord Randal has banned hunting by virtue of the freedom to live.

«It should be a common practice» says the 21st Baron on VanityFair: «I want to help change things».



February 20, 2022: Earth Decay against climate change


Italian deathsers Jumpscare, in collaboration with the Duchy of Bardo, have released the video visualizer of Earth Decay, a track extracted from the album 'Don't Close Your Eyes', directed by Luigi Cervellini (LB Studio) and produced by the band itself. The video visualizer aims to raise awareness of the harms of pollution and climate change, today as support to Bardo commitment for the environment.

Bardo officially against the plan for culling of nutrias


Like the Estense Consulate of Flandrensis in Modena,

the micronation offers itself as a place of refuge for these unwanted animals to the Magliano Alpi municipality.



The Duke of Bardo on


Many thanks to Palais Princier d'Aigues-Mortes et Olivier Martinez, Bardo returns to talk about himself: the Duke was interviewed on in a report that sees Italy as protagonist with our Duchy and Alcatraz Republic of Jacopo Fo.

Enjoy the reading, citizens!

A new Nobility is born

It is not your (micro)nation that makes the lineage noble,

but it is you who makes the (micro)nation noble.


The granting of noble titles instead belongs to the Sovereign, but all citizens of Bardo have the right to wear a personal coat of arms.


The Heraldic College has just granted two new titles:

Barone della Cinta and Visconte della Selva


September 26, 2021

Bardo hosts Flandrensis Delegation

during Ambienti microfestival

[Ph. Dss. Estelo Anghilante] 

. . .

 The Consul Baron Manuel Noorglo and a group of Flandrensis citizens from Modena come to Bardo to meet the Duke Piercarlo von Bòrmida

and visit the Bardo Duchy.



November 11, 2021

Bardo meets Principauté Anthophilia

Mutual Recognition Treaty 

. . .

The Principality is a micronation founded

on August 4, 2020.
The Principality is the land of the defenders of Nature, and more particularly of the defenders of pollinating animals.




July 10, 2021

Bardo meets Flandrensis

inter-micronational meeting in Modena

. . .

The Duke will play live as Bòrmanvs

during the Vegvisir Dark Ambient Festival



June 20, 2021

Constitution day was amazing,

friend of Bardo micronation!

. . .

Check photos on Instagram official page

Waiting for next NaturArte Festival at Bardo


May 30, 2021


urban attack by Teatro Selvatico

with Wintercroft masks was a success!


Bardo hosted as usual his art collective for the preparation of the act: Mondovì was conquered!


More photos on facebook page

ABDUCTION [free_time_nature_creativity]

The project combines the need of those who love nature but live in the city, of those who love animals and feel they have a strong sense of belonging to the land but cannot yet do it in a constant and total way.

ABDUCTION connects volunteers and natural artistic and rural projects by promoting educational and cultural experiences based on a non-profit exchange of trust, to help on building a sustainable glocal community.

Who is an ABDUCTED: a person visiting the micronation who offers their time in daily activities in exchange for experiences and practicing sustainable lifestyles. 

* Please note that ABDUCTION is not a paid job - hosts do not offer monetary compensation!


Bardo micronation grows with a new Honorary Citizen

of great popularity: we are honored to have among us another special artist who has decided to return to country life.

Welcome Johnson Righeira!


Order of the Black Star - Chivalry of Arts


We live in an age where mediocrity often triumphs, but we at Bardo promote quality and belonging to a reality that is nourished by the love for beauty: the College of the Chapter is proud to present Emiliano Mondini, the first Knight is witness to this commitment of fidelity to the only kingdom that we recognize, Nature, mother of all arts. And to the Duchy, of course!

If you feel to became a citizen, do not hesitate to ask for a citizenship fee and join BARDO.

Adhering to citizenship has no cost, and you will receive your digital certificate by email. The official metal pin is available and you can order it from the shop.

With your offer you will sustain the rewild project of our Duchy.


Request online citizenship!

We are waiting for you,

the Regent.




21/07/2020 @ BARDO Intentional Micronation


Estense Consul of Grand Duchy of Flandrensis sign the treaty of reciprocal recognition with the Duke Regent of BARDO Intentional Micronation for their positive actions against global warming: today is a great day for our micronations.

"Archipelago (ärkəˈpeləˌgō): showy and irregular grouping of related things."


Do you live in a house or appartment you own? You are convinced that is the only state border that you really feel like your?

Why don't you choose to become part of the project 'BARDO Archipelago'?

Our micronation is made from islands of freedom and it is in constant evolution. If you share our intent with us, you are welcome: don't hesitate and join BARDO to be part of a real state of art.

We are a micronation who grows like a plant pointing to the sun.


Contact us to be part of our dream.

Mutual recognition treaties

Kingdoms and Lands of the Crown of Ruthenia, Kingdom of North Barchant, Vandewal Principality, Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, Empire of Lehmark, Commonwealth of Dracul, Principauté de Moscha, Empire of Angyalistan, Atlas Island, Nabuzje Federal Republic, Desert Realm of Raphistan, Principauté Anthophilia, Rank republic of MMBS,  Empire of Imvrassia, Principality of Aigues-Mortes, Principality of  Shedingeh, Sovereign Military Order Of Temple Of Throne Blessed Virgin Of Galicia, The Emperors Of East And West, Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary, Grand Duchy of the Burgundians, Gardubian Kingdom

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