Exclusive Interview to Maiu (Massimo Beltrando) for the new album release!


1. Who is Maiu if I had to explain it to a child?
I am a person who remembers very well when I was like you. I try to preserve the imagination I had at that time even now. If I look back it seems like a few weeks have passed. On that level I don't think I've ever changed much. Imagine other worlds, parallel lives, spatial landscapes. Play with your imagination. For example, I don't play, but I play playing!

2. How did the newly released album come about?
I thought it would be nice to involve in a recording the musicians with whom I have shared my music. For two years I have been playing with the Piccola Orchestra Cosmica every week and I have also put together some live concerts with them. I usually record solo and I really like it, but hearing my songs played by them was a great adventure for me, I heard things from another perspective, it's beautiful! I think it was also a nice gift we gave ourselves. I thought that putting up some microphones and recording would lead to a good result, as far as I'm concerned it did.

3. This album once again sees the collaboration of the Piccola Orchestra Cosmica: why this choice in an era in which many help themselves with AI?
In my life I have played many genres including electronic music. In the last 15 years, however, I have become much closer to the music played. The physical approach with the instruments gives me a lot.
However, I am not interested in delegating such an important thing to a synthetic being. My satisfaction lies in hearing a composition grow and complete itself, the beauty of things lies in discovering them, improving oneself lies in the hard work of sleepless nights playing and recording. In mistakes you feel the most beautiful things.
And I like being alone, these are the moments in which I let my mind travel better and in which I dedicate myself to composing and writing. Making this base available to other musicians makes me feel good. I offer a starting point for cosmic journeys, that's all. I would never feed something like that to an A.I.

4. There is a beautiful song called "Il tempo sereno"; you are a Free Time Knight of Bardo: what is time for you?
When I was awarded this honor it was pure magic. I was already a leisure rider, I just didn't know it. For me there is no greater wealth than time and I have always fought to protect it. I often mention it in my songs. For me, time could be like a vinyl on which we record our lives, what we do. I would endlessly relive the life I have led and if time were really a record that could be rewound I wouldn't change a thing. The song I titled 'il tempo sereno' talks about this. Time is also rain, time is what marks the succession of events, seasons, music, everything.

5. What role does space have for Maiu?
Space for me is the infinitely large that puts everything in its place. In space I feel good and I face my loneliness serenely. My loneliness which is the exact moment when I think of everyone and I no longer feel alone. Because they are the stars that populate it, the galaxies and nebulae are their thoughts, the black holes are our passages towards the future. Space is the thing we are immersed in, not just something we see when we look at the sky at night. I am part of Sideralis Officina delle Stelle because I would like to discover more about the cosmos, there is a lot to learn.

6. Is there a message that underlies your work as a musician that you want to convey to your audience?
Yes. That even a non-musician like me can make music. I didn't study music, but I let my imagination carry it forward. If we all have the right to speak, then we all have the right to speak with music even more. What I play and record has all the imperfections of the human being, but the desire to reach high, beyond the sky. I try to convey a message that comes from the stars. I invent the lyrics while singing and don't write them straight away. Only after singing them do I discover what I deeply wanted to say, and then I write them down. Sometimes I can surprise myself, because I even taught myself something, which is quite unusual.
However, I want to say once and for all: I love my music.

7. What do you think of the reality of Micronations?
I am a citizen of the Bardo micronation and I am proud of it! Utopia, that's what fascinates me. I am fascinated by the profound sense of extended family, which brings together people, animals, places and interests, passions. Where there is a utopia there are interesting people, there are beautiful things to discover and share. I hope to be able to visit other micronations, I very much hope to be able to play in other micronations, and in any case I can say that my only date abroad was at the Bardo and it is absolutely no small feat! Long live the Bardo Duchy, long live the Micronations!

The cover design is by Hilia Dorotea